Long time ago, a politician in Sarawak had this drawing during the election campaign and he was asked to remove it. I was very young then and I didn't understand what it actually meant at that time. Now I understand what it actually meant and still wonder why Sabah and Sarawak had agreed to only merely 5%.
Give us more milk please! If PR is the new federal government who is willing then MPs from Sabah and Sarawak please switch Alliance. It is the time when we get back what we deserved and whatever left of Oil, Timber and Mineral! Nothing much left for us actually, so 50% - 100% is what we expected. We should not settle anything less that 50% with other goodies throwing in.Dear Blogger, please display the above picture on your blog to support the request by Sabah and Sarawak. It is only the right thing to do to request for more now after 40 odds years.. Right?
Related Posts : Politic
July 13, 2008 at 2:22 PM
Please return North Borneo(Sabah) to the Philippines!
July 13, 2008 at 6:30 PM
I respect your right to voice out your demand, that's why I approved your comment.
However I as East Malaysia does not want to belong to or be part of the Philippine. If you do a referendum on the population (minus the illegal from Philippine and Indonesia) and i bet you will GET a BIG NO for being part of Philippine.
No Thank we rather be part of Malaysia or independent state.
Shiok Guy
July 15, 2008 at 5:10 PM
Sir thank you accepting my comment. All were asking is for this dispute be brought up to icj for the court to decide because if we use a referendum of course we'll have a favorable result to your country.
May 31, 2010 at 4:14 AM
whats the point having a nation that the people hated to be with, beside that sabahan belong to sabah.
the point on the picture, i do think the terenganu and kelantan also felt the same way we do, they also have those aggreement on oil and etc not just sabah and sarawak, if i were not mistaken
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