Shiok Guy's Opinion (SGO)
Freedom of expression is a cornerstone of democratic rights & freedoms

The time has comes to do the right thing

GE13 is coming soon, this is the time to do the right thing.
My friends told me why do we need a change?
The change might be worst
How can we know it is for a better Malaysia.

My answer: -
We have been screwed for last 50+ years
I will like to change my screwing partner.
May be it is for the better or worst
At least I have a chance to find out

One UMNO lady said, changing government is not like changing a job, girlfriend or wife.
But in reality, what is the differences?

Only when you have changed and tried, only then you will know.
At least it will teach the current government to be humble, responsible and treat me like a boss.
The people or Rakyat is the BOSS, not you the politician

After this change, the future government that we elected will surely listen to us.
No? So spread the news and vote for a new partner

At least for next 5 years, I enjoy a new screw.

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