Shiok Guy's Opinion (SGO)
Freedom of expression is a cornerstone of democratic rights & freedoms

The Associated Press VS Bernama


I was driving back to my office after sending my sons to school and overheard on TraxxFM on 9am news the following headline:- US Agrees With Malaysia's Views On Rule Of Law, please read the detail of the article on Bernama here..

The above headline give me the impression that the US has agreed on how Malaysia follow the Rule of Law. I was very suspicious that this is a SPIN, so I googled the same topic and come across Associated Press Headline:-

US rejects claim that Anwar case is an internal affair - Star (AP)
US urges Malaysia to follow rule of law in dealing with Anwar sodomy case - MT (AP)

This is totally unbelievable, the first headline give us the impression that the US has agreed on how Malaysian handle the DSAI sodomy case. But the 2nd and 3rd headline mean otherwise.

What a spin! What is your comment about this huh?


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