I am a father of 2 lovely boys who suffered from Autism. They are born in May 11, 2000 and October 25, 2001 and their name are WJ and WX respectively. Fortunately we have a parent support group call Parents' Resource for Autism (PR4A) and also National Autism Society Of Malaysia (NASOM). Life is very tough for a family whose kid suffer from the above disorder, the lack of awareness and support from the government and society at large make it worst, sometimes unbearable. However, when the going get tough, the tough get going. Life is Short, Live it Shiok!Watch the following Video about Autism

May 3, 2008 at 4:16 PM
keep up the great spirit....I will be starting my class next week to learn about special children. Hopefully after i get my diploma i am able to contribute to this special needs of these special children.......lovely pair of boys! all the best!
May 3, 2008 at 5:15 PM
Dear Jojo.
Thank you for your comment. Please do come back and help those in need especially the children
Shiok Guy
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