I took this picture in the garden playground of my Taman, and the kid is from our neighborhood. He said that he can only do this during the school holiday, 2 weeks later the hair should have grown long enough to cover all the artistic design.
We heard a lot about freedom of speech, but seldom heard about freedom of expression. This kid is exercising his freedom of expression silently.
Freedom of speech is being able to speak freely without censorship. The right to freedom of speech is guaranteed under international law through numerous human-rights instruments, notably under Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights, although implementation remains lacking in many countries. The synonymous term freedom of expression is sometimes preferred, since the right is not confined to verbal speech but is understood to protect any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used. (Wikipedia)
I cannot imagine if the local TV stations grilled our PM on the upcoming budget or any other issues of interest to the Rakyat. Do you think our PM can handle the task at hand? Unless all the questions and answers are prepared before hand. I would love to see our PM well verse in the portfolio that he is undertaking. This should apply to all the minister who handle certain portfolio.
However, if the Rakyat does not has freedom of expression (questioning) than all those appear as Q&A are just for a show. Lets do some live Q&A in TV for us to see how you handle it.
May 24, 2008 at 11:36 AM
The typical Asian parents will not allow children to have that kind of freedom of expression. But that may be changing. Likewise, the leaders of many Asian countries also do not allow their people to have freedom of speech or expression, but that may be ahnging, albeit too slowly.
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