What does RM500 mean to one individual? The math: -
RM500/12 months = RM41.67/month; RM41.67/30 = RM1.388888, round it to RM1.40/day
This is RM1.40 per day for low income household. Let’s assume on average they are 5 members in each household. How much is each member’s apportionment? The answer is RM0.28.
I know it is a free handout. I know we should be grateful. I know we should be happy and should just vote BN for its good deed. Wait a minute, really? This is my money in the first place.
What can RM1.40 buy me for? A Chap Tangan Peanut cost RM2.80 per package. I will buy one pack of peanut every 2 days.
If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys. Only stupid people will work/vote for you if you do not pay very much
Dear BN, please stop using public fund to buy vote before GE13. If you are treating us like a monkey by giving us peanut, you will need to kiss our butt before we will vote for you.
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