Total Poll = 494
Agree with NS = 30 (6%)
Against NS = 464 (94%)
We have an overwhelming 94% against this NS program, and that represent over 2/3 Majority. So can we kindly scrapped the NS program and put the money into help NGO and some needy group. You can always donate some to my support group call Parents' Resource for Autism (www.pr4a.org). We lack of fund to create awareness and also training program for parents and teachers.
Please don't tell us 494 is a small group of people, they are still people of Malaysia who happen to come to my blog and vote. I did not select them or filter them out. Please don't tell us the Silent Majority agreed with the NS Program. A statistic poll will tend to represent the whole population as a whole with some margin of error. Can we say for argument sake, the margin of error is 20% which is damn huge for any survey or poll. Take 94% less 20% we still have a huge 75% against the NS program, hey! 75% is still a 2/3 majority and we can even change the constitution of Malaysia for that! So do the right thing!
Singapore NS program has been around for year, the casualty in their program is a HUGE Gap compare to us, Malaysia Boleh?
What other bloggers have to say: -
We have so many deaths so far, so many Malaysian against it why are you still insist for it to go on? We are the people of Malaysia should be the one we tell you to start or stop it. No your decision to make, and I don't know when can you get the message into your head!
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