Dear PAS, haven't you learned from passed experience. UMNO is simply using you as a platform to win back some lost ground. Dancing with the Wolf and Sleeping with the enemy will get you totally wipe out in next GE. Do you want to bet?

Once you usefulness is used, you will left with Kelantan only, AGAIN! You guy are talking about Unity of Malay, why not talking about Unity of Malaysian? Since PAS is a religious based political party you should not be talking about race unity right? I know that most if not all Malay are a born Muslim, but some might not want to be one but just born to be one.
When UMNO talk to you about Unity of the Malay, they are trying to drag you into their game plan of divides and rules. That's the only way UMNO or BN can hold on power, based on race based or political based politic. The future of Malaysian's politic should not be race based or religious based. Dear PAS it is time you have to change your party ideology to fit the need of General Malaysian!
You are dancing and sleeping with the Wolf now, you will create unease within the PR alliance. Once UMNO or BN know that your usefulness is running out, they will dump you AGAIN!
Umno-PAS Talks Crucial For Malaysia's Economy
PORT KLANG, June 9 (Bernama) -- Deputy International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Mukhriz Tun Mahathir said discussions between Umno and PAS can calm down the political scenario and restore stability, the main selling point for Malaysia in attracting foreign direct investments (FDI).
"Many investors no longer see Malaysia as a stable country that can guarantee returns over the long term," he said when asked to comment on the willingness of PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang to discuss with Umno on issues important to the nation.
"Nowadays, some potential investors may have the perception that the political situation in Malaysia is like other countries which experienced instability. This comes from watching news reports on the country," he said after the ground breaking ceremony of SIMS Copper Sdn Bhd factory, a subsidiary of SIMS Group at Port Klang Free Zone here Tuesday. Read More at Bernama
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