I have tried to read RPK Malaysia Today but it is not accessible. I manage to access it via proxy server. Try the link below and if it is not working then inform me and I will try to see how to access it again.
Access using the following fixed IP
Please noted this is not fool proof, since those who try to blocked it can also block the proxy server address. For those who are technically sound, please visit Here and Here for list of proxy server addresses. You can setup your browser to go through proxy server automatically. Once that IP address is blocked, you can switch to a new one. There are thousand and thousand of those free IP address around. How to setup your IE and Firefox for proxy surfing, read here. Listing of free proxy server, read here
What happen to Malaysia Today? Has it been blocked?
If the authority is trying to blocked some sites in Malaysia, by virtue of me providing the proxy information will that get me into ISA or others trouble? Please advise! I need someone to drive and care for my kids if that happen to me lah! Both my sons suffer from autism. Please read here about autism and me.
3 July 2008.9:56 I can access Malaysia Today but damn slow... Without the proxy totally unaccessible.
3 July 2008 12:03pm : Cannot access MT now! I think it is really down, not blocked
3 July 2008 12:18pm : No Access, I am sorry wasting your time.... my apology
July 3, 2008 at 8:15 AM
Thank you for your info. Manage to get thru malaysiatoday. Thanks again
July 3, 2008 at 12:27 PM
Just tried clicking on link but cud not connect to Msia2day. Sigh. Sure miss it.
July 3, 2008 at 12:32 PM
I missed it too.
I think it is been hacked rather than blocked.
Anyway now you know how to bypassed blocked site, take this posting as tutorial for future access.. who know right?
July 3, 2008 at 9:57 PM
Thanks for info. I could not access MT. The Malaysian Insider website is also hacked I think. Their front page showed a "Joomla"... something...
I sure miss MT.
July 4, 2008 at 10:16 AM
You are welcome.
If the website is hacked, then the proxy server access will not help a bit. Only when the site is Blocked and using proxy will help to bypass those block filter.
Make sure you kid does not learn this trick, else your filter to block porn sites will be compromised
If you want to surf a site without letting people know where you are coming from, like hide your IP address. Proxy does provide this basic benefit.
Shiok Guy
July 4, 2008 at 3:27 PM
Ha ha. Thanks Shiok Guy. I think my grandchildren can teach me better :D I don't even know how to go around the proxy server. So many IPs and Ports to "play around with". I am depending on your "Click this link..." but I could not connect. Wonder if RPK knows of this and when will MT be up and about again.
July 4, 2008 at 5:46 PM
Not much of a help since my link does not work. Basically the MT site was hacked and also they are in the middle of migration to another server.
My link will only work if the site was blocked by someone.. ie Government!
July 4, 2008 at 6:21 PM
Wow .. i finally managed to get MT by clicking on the link u provided. Thank you soooooo much, sir. I was beginning to have withdrawal symptoms .. hahaha
July 4, 2008 at 11:28 PM
Shiok Guy,
At about 11pm today Friday 4th, I managed to get through the original URL of MT and also MI although MI was very, very slow. Thanks again.
July 5, 2008 at 2:00 PM
A very HUGE THANK YOU!!! Was very worried about RPK! Managed to log in thru your link.
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